Why Is Love Blind?

· 3 min read

"Love is blind,". What does it mean? Why do we say that sometimes, when a person falls in love, they no longer see things? It can be with a boyfriend, girlfriend, or life partner, but in general, whenever one is in love, most of the time they tend to ignore flaws and problems. Let's break down why this happens.

Why is love "blind"?

When you are in love, everything seems perfect with the person. So, you focus on the good and may even ignore the bad. Love has the power to make us feel so great that it can easily overlook less-than-great traits. It's a bit like having those glasses on—the ones that just allow you to see the bright side.

Love fills us with happiness and makes us feel special, but it can also blind us from a lot of things that might not be so great. This is why people say love is "blind": It can make us see only what we want to see.

As Shakespeare said, "Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." This quote from A Midsummer Night's Dream clearly states that love could actually make us see through our emotions rather than through our reasoning.

When we are in love, we might exalt our boyfriend or girlfriend, putting them on a pedestal and ignoring their flaws.


The brain's role

When one is in love, the mind releases special chemicals that bring arousal and great happiness. These things can cause clouding of judgment. Perhaps you will not notice things that would usually bother you since you are so concentrated on how good love feels.

Some people even go to the extent of comparing love to a drug, citing its potential to induce a high. Like a drug, love is addictive and blinds one from reality.

Not that love is bad, but it emphasizes how potent the power of love can be. It enables us to relate to others and build relationships within ourselves, but one must be very aware of its effect on thinking.

Love's influence on decision-making

Love is blind, they say—it will make you do things you wouldn't normally do. Sometimes, people believe that their romantic feelings will justify staying in a bad relationship. Or you might make sacrifices for a boyfriend or girlfriend that you wouldn't make for anyone else.

This "blindness" can be good and bad—it can lead you to identify with one another and make choices that will put you outside your best interests.

Balancing Love and Reality

Hence, how do we balance the strong feelings of love with the reality of our situation? The first thing we need to realize is that love can cloud our judgment. Once one realizes this, they can take steps to maintain their groundedness. Talking openly with your partner about your feelings and concerns can help you see the whole picture.

It is also important to take things bit by bit. Getting to know someone over time is crucial as it allows you to observe them in various situations, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of their true nature.

This does not mean that one should become very critical or sceptical; on the contrary, one should try to see the other partner for who they are, strengths and weaknesses alike.


"When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving oneself, and one always ends by deceiving others. That's what the world calls romance." -Oscar Wilde

In other words, love can make a person go blind, or it can make people imagine things that truly don't exist.

"To love at all is to be vulnerable." - C.S. Lewis

That's why they say love is blind—because loving someone opens your heart to them. Of course, this will change your perspective, but love is powerful.

In summary

Emotions are powerful components that can make us view the world differently. Emotions can blind us to flaws, yet they can also forge solid and lasting relationships. The trick is always to know how love affects us and then balance our emotions with reality. Love is blind, yet lovely. When seen from the right perspective, it can result in a happy relationship that is understood well.